Reimagining Residential Spaces: Boko and Deko

Mitsuharu Kojima's Innovative Approach to Home Design

Japanese architect Mitsuharu Kojima challenges traditional concepts of home design with his award-winning project, Boko and Deko. This residential house, inspired by the freedom of nature, offers residents the opportunity to define their own living spaces, unhindered by the constraints of furniture placement. The design, which won the Golden A' Architecture, Building and Structure Design Award in 2018, is a testament to Kojima's innovative approach to architecture.

Mitsuharu Kojima's inspiration for Boko and Deko stemmed from a desire to redefine the idealization of living life in a house. In a world where people's individuality is increasingly celebrated, Kojima felt that home design remained passive and restrictive. His solution was to create a framework that encourages residents to discover their own comfortable spaces, much like finding a sunny spot in a forest on a cold day or seeking shade under a tree on a hot one.

The unique properties of Boko and Deko lie in its flexibility. Unlike traditional homes where spaces are predetermined by furniture, this design allows residents to choose their own spaces freely. The house's structure, built with soundproof walls on the east and west sides and living spaces in between, further enhances this freedom. The floors, made with materials that evoke warmth, coolness, softness, and hardness on the skin, add another layer of sensory experience to the living spaces.

The realization of Boko and Deko was a technical challenge. Kojima had to design a house that allowed residents to find comfortable spots that matched their feelings, without relying on furniture. He achieved this by installing floors of different heights in long tunnel-shaped spaces and connecting them in several ways. This design element not only created a rich interior space but also generated various atmospheric changes, adding to the house's uniqueness.

Boko and Deko, which measures 6970 mm in width, 12740 mm in depth, and 5600 mm in height, is a testament to Kojima's innovative approach to architecture. The project, which started in Maebashi in 2010 and was completed in 2013, has been highly appreciated for its fresh take on home comfort and its challenge to conventional living.

The Golden A' Design Award, which Boko and Deko won in 2018, is granted to outstanding creations that reflect the designer's prodigy and wisdom. These are venerated products and bright ideas that advance art, science, design, and technology, embodying extraordinary excellence and significantly impacting the world with their desirable characteristics. Mitsuharu Kojima's Boko and Deko certainly fits this description, offering a new perspective on residential design and setting a new standard for future architects.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Mitsuharu Kojima
Image Credits: Mitsuharu Kojima
Project Team Members: Mitsuharu Kojima
Project Name: Boko and Deko
Project Client: Mitsuharu Kojima

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